UX Blog

Sketch. Prototype. Test. Repeat.

The UX Process and UX Design Principles

A web application’s design and usability is just as important as that application’s functionality. If users can’t immediately figure out how to use a web application, then we haven’t done our job correctly.

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NY Times Blur Test

The Blur Test: NY Times

The Blur Test is an old art school technique used to reveal a design’s focal point and visual hierarchy. Let’s see how NYTimes.com holds up.

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Tons of features or Fewer features? Less is More.

Less Really Does Equal More (Users)

It seems almost impossible for most software and website companies to resist the urge to add the kitchen sink of features and functions to their products. To this, I say, “Stop the madness!”

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Godaddy Blur Test

The Blur Test: Go Daddy

The Blur Test is an old art school technique used to reveal a design’s focal point and visual hierarchy. Let’s see how Go Daddy holds up to The Blur Test.

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iPhone 4S versus Droid 4

Why I Chose Droid Vs iPhone

I spent a ridiculous amount of time researching all the pros and cons between the Droid 4 and iPhone 4S and I’ve concluded that there are simply too many things I would be giving up if I got the iPhone.

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