A valuable online resource that provides evidence-based pediatric nutritional information for healthcare professionals.

Gerber Medical Hub Redesign

Gerber Medical Hub Redesign

The Gerber Medical Hub website is designed to inform healthcare professionals about Gerber products and other pediatric topics. UX Team started the project with a visioning session to establish the goals and direction for the redesign. Keeping those goals in mind, we created wireframes for several key pages and converted those wireframes to full-color mockups. We then worked with Nestle’s development team to implement the new design in Drupal, which they chose as their content management platform. Now that the site is live, we continue to maintain, update and improve the website.
A mobile phone is displaying the redesigned homepage for healthcare professionals, with quick links and featured topic articles.

Redesign Goals

Shift content focus

The prior website focused on infant formula, which Gerber no longer sells. So, we redesigned the site to emphasize Gerber’s other products as well as tools and resources for healthcare professionals.

Make wayfinding easier

Introduce multiple avenues of exploring content to make content browsing feel easy and intuitive.

Optimize website conversions

Enhance user engagement by encouraging interactions with newsletter signups, PDF downloads, webinars, and podcasts.

Screenshots of the medical hub website redesign with easy navigation and quick links for busy healthcare professionals.
Article examples on the redesigned website are geared toward their primary audience of healthcare professionals.
These are mobile screenshots of product pages from the redesigned website, which focus on nutritional information that is important to healthcare professionals.

Evidence Gathering


  • Determine the primary purpose of the new website
  • Understand user needs, goals, and pain points
  • Identify opportunities to differentiate Gerber from competitors
  • Establish a framework for enhancing functionality and usability


  • Teamwork sessions with stakeholders
  • UX audit
  • Competitive analysis
  • User interviews & surveys
  • Card sort study

Key Findings

Healthcare professionals need to find the information they are looking for quickly.

For the redesign, we incorporated a blog-style format to improve functionality and usability. Side navigation for the topics and article tags allows users to filter content quickly by the topic they are interested in.

Using the topics menu allows users to filter the articles displayed to the selected topic.
Elements on the redesigned Gerber website product pages focus on nutrition and the quality of healthy ingredients, along with additional info healthcare professionals are interested in.

Focusing on the nutritional aspects of food is essential to healthcare professionals and Gerber.

New product pages highlight key nutrition details, show real foods to emphasize quality ingredients, and provide supporting evidence-based information.

Design Ideation


Three months after the Gerber Medical Hub’s redesigned website went live in the fourth quarter of 2023, we witnessed a significant increase in site traffic and user engagement.


Increase in new users


Increase in total users


Increase in sessions

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