Google Maps bystander

Simultaneous photos of Google Street View car photographing bystander while bystander photographs Google.

Every once in a while I like to post a funny or odd “User Experience” that we come across…and this one fits that bill.

A while back, a friend of a friend was sitting on the stoop of one of his job sites with a colleague (he’s an architect at Triton Construction) when he noticed a Google Maps Street View Car driving by so he took a photo of it.

Just today, someone complimented him on his finished building, which they said they saw on Google Maps. So he logs onto the address, zooms in, and sure enough, there he is, sitting on the stoop with his colleague (see photo). He then scoured his photos and found the picture that HE took of the Google Maps Street View Car driving by and, judging by the two views of the innocent bystander walking by, he realized that his photo was taken at the exact same moment as the Google photo.
